The privacy policy page informs you of our policies regarding the collection of data, disclosure, and use when you use our service. This page provides the information about your data and personal information that you share with us by using our services from Magic Of Writing (

We aim to provide the best of services to our audiences, and for that reason, we are constantly working on the side of improvement. We use the collected data from the users to improve our services. By using our service, you agree to use information and collection of data in accordance with this policy.

Information Collection and Use

We collect different types of data for various purposes from the users so that we can improve and provide the best of services to you.

Cookie and Usage Data

We may collect the data to know the behavior of users. The data of how users access our services and what web pages they open. We may collect the data such as the IP Address of your computer, web browser, web browser version, browser type, web pages, the date and time of your visit, the time spent by the users on those web pages, and other user identifiers data.

Tracking and Cookies Data

We use cookies and other tracking technology to track down the behavior and web activities of the users.

Cookies are a small amount of data containing user identifier that remains anonymous. Cookies are sent by websites to your web browsers. Upon your acceptance, the small data files will be stored on your computer system that helps the website owners to track your web activities. We may use different tracking technologies such as scripts, tags, and beacons to track down the users’ web activities.

Users have full control to accept or reject cookies asked by the websites. Each web browser provides its users to enable or disable the Cookies feature. Some websites put restrictions if you do not accept the cookies. You may not be allowed to explore some web pages and services of those websites. Let’s understand the different types of Cookies.

Types of Cookies

Persistent Cookies:

Persistent cookies remain on your computer for a specific period. Every time a user visits the website, the cookie starts tracking down the behavior of that particular user, and that’s how the persistent cookies work for the website owner.

Session Cookies:

Session cookies remain on your computer for a specific session. When the session is over, the cookies will be erased from the system itself. Session cookies are based on your web activities. When you open the web browser, the cookie will start its tracking. When the browser is closed, the cookies will be erased.

Performance Cookies:

Performance cookies are used to improve the website’s performance. Performance cookies do not contain the user’s personal information. They are used for statistical purposes only to improve the overall performance of the website.

Advertising Cookies:

Advertising Cookies are placed by third parties. Google and other advertising partners use advertising cookies to track your web activities. They collect these data of the users to determine what types of ads do users want to see on that particular website. If you do not want to let a third party access your personal information or web activities, you can simply disable this service by visiting the Ads Settings page.

How do you Control the Cookies?

When you disable the cookies from your web browser, you may not be able to visit some websites or access their data properly. You may not be able to get the preferences from third parties and from the website owners, which is crucial for you to improve your web activities. To improve your web activities and give you the best services, we do not recommend disabling this feature from your web browser.

Most web browsers accept cookies by default. However, you can always change the settings of accepting website cookies as per your preferences from the Settings page.

In general, most users visit the Cookies page and explore the data and information collected by the list of websites. Users can delete the individual cookies or the entire cookies folder as per their needs. There are options such as blocking cookies of a particular website, prevents third parties from accessing your websites’ data, etc.

For your convenience, here we have prepared a list of web browsers and their cookies-page.

You can take full control of the cookies by visiting the following pages of the web browsers that you use on your computer system.

Most websites use Google Analytics to track down the user’s behavior. It’s a free-to-use service offered by Google to let website owners know the traffic data. Google Analytics is the most advanced tracking software with numerous customization options to prepare detailed analytics reports. You can opt-out of Google Analytics’ tracking by following the below-given link.

Google Analytics — [LINK]

Besides this, Google has one more tool that helps website owners generate some revenues. Google AdSense also uses cookies to track down web activities. You can opt out of this service by simply visiting Google AdSense’s authenticated page, and the link is given below!

Google AdSense — [LINK]

Use of Data

Magic of Writing collects several types of data for various purposes. The below-given list explains the different purposes for which your data can be used.

  • To maintain good service
  • To provide analysis reports
  • To improve our services and user-experience
  • To monitor the usage of our services
  • To detect and prevent technical issues of the website

Transfer of Data

The collected information of the users, including the personal information, may be transferred to different cities, regions, or countries where the data collection laws may be different from your jurisdiction.

If you live outside the USA and choose to provide your personal information to us from our website, keep in mind that we transfer your data and personal information to the USA as we process the data there only.

After your submission, your consent to the Privacy Policy represents that you are agreed to transfer your personal data.

We will take all the necessary steps to keep your data safe and secure. We transfer your personal data only after checking the security protocols of the websites.

Disclosure of Data

Legal Requirements

Magic of Writing may disclose your personal data to

• Comply with a legal obligation
• Protect and defend the rights of our service and website
• Prevent wrongdoings by third parties and Autobots
• Protect the safety of the users on the digital platform
• Deal with legal liabilities of the users

Security of Data

We protect your privacy by using advanced security tools. However, there is no guarantee of securing the users’ data 100% on the digital medium. We can’t guarantee the security of the collected data of the users.

Service Providers

We may collaborate with third parties or hire individuals to improve our service. We may hire professionals to provide the services on our behalf of us.

These people have access to your personal data collected by us. They are bound not to disclose your data to any other company or service providers.


We may use third-party tracking and analytics tools to improve our services. Most websites use Google’s Analytics tool, which is free of cost. It is the most advanced tool to track down the behavior of the users.

We use Google Analytics to collect the information of the users, including their web activities, type of browser, browser version, etc. Google may use the collected data further to improve their services for Google AdSense and other services. There’s an option to opt out of this tracking by simply visiting the Google Analytics Settings page. You can check out Google Analytics’ privacy policypage for more information.

Links to Other Sites

We may also allow third parties to put their links on our website. We may not have full control of such links. They can collect your personal data and can use it as per their Privacy and Policy. When you visit the third-party links listed on our website, you are liable to follow their privacy and policy and not ours.

We are not the responsible persons for data disclosure or any other issues that you may face in the future.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are dedicated to adults only. The services we provide on this website do not address anyone under the age of 18. We do not collect the personal information of the users under the mentioned age. If you are the parent or legal guardian of the children who has shared their personal information with us, you may contact us.

If we come to know about such data collection of the children unknowingly or without the consent of their parent or guardian, we will take steps to remove those data from our servers.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update our policy page from time to time. We will notify you when anything changes to the Privacy and Policy page of the Magic of Writing website.

We will send a reminder of the changes via Email along with the effective date. We will also update this page with the effective date of the Privacy and Policy.

You are requested to review the Privacy and Policy page more frequently. Changes to this page will only occur when we post the effective date on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or questions about the Privacy Policy, kindly contact us:


Effective Date: 1-JAN-2021